100 Ways is a community campaign developed by the Central Ranges Local Learning & Employment Network to help young people discover their passions and realise their career dreams.

The current youth unemployment rate in Australia is 13% – more than double the rest of Australia. Youth underemployment is currently 30%, with 40% of available jobs expected to be automated by technology over the next 10 years.

But there is something you can do. Young people wanting to work need industry exposure, work experience, mentoring and career development opportunities.

There are a 100 different ways you can give a young person a head start including structured workplace learning, apprenticeships and traineeship placements, hosting a workplace tour, mentoring, sharing your career story at a local school or giving a young person a job.

100 Ways is about parents, schools, businesses and the community working together to give young people a fair go. So what are you waiting for? Make an offer to help now or Contact us to find out more:

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